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As a nomad, child of immigrants on turtle island, I've learned from the turtles to carry my home on my back.

I'm grateful to have redefined what home means to me, with many of you. In West Chicago, the central valley of Mexico, NY, LA, or OTWay, I'm home wherever I can be myself. Maybe you haven't met all of me but I believe you have been or will be instrumental in my becoming, which is why I'm inviting you to join my journey,

OnTheWay H🌀ME.


Como nómade, hije de inmigrantes en la Isla Tortugas (según cierta mitología de las Américas), he aprendido de las tortugas a cargar mi hogar en la espalda. Y estoy agradecido de haber redefinido lo que significa el hogar para mí, con muchos de ustedes. Sea en West Chicago, México, Nueva York o Los Ángeles, estoy en casa donde sea que pueda ser yo misma, y es probable que no me conozcas por completo, pero has sido fundamental en mi transformación, por eso te invito a unirte a mi viaje, OTWay H 🌀 ME.


Driving through the South West on my way to Chicago, in the same shaky Rav4 that drove me to Los Angeles, CA from Syracuse, NY (2018): felt nothing short of miraculous. I made it all the way to my grandma's house with a tank half full and a heart full of memories. But the journey home continued... I was humbled to find home alongside Water Protectors in Minnesota in the ongoing fight to #stopline3. I drove all the way back to Onondaga (Syracuse) and fell in love with the people, the road, and myself. The circle was completed back in Chicago and I flew back to LA, changed.

season one - july to august 2021

In Spring 2022, I left LA to continue my life ontheway.

I moved out of my apartment to begin my journey of financial freedom: wish me luck!

I left for a month-long backpacking trip from Southern Mexico to my brother's wedding and my grandparents' graves: celebrating life, death, and love. I was privileged to anchor my journey in a fresh and ancestral truth. #OTWayHome

season two - april 2022
Palenque Jungle
Catedral de Mérida y la casa de Montejo
caution: colonizer violence
La fuente de La Mestiza
El Camino a Casa
season three - may to october 2022

During season two's nomadic journey in Mexico, I secured housing in Colton, California.

For the first time in years, I finally felt like I had a stable home thanks to the support and love of family. Yet, within a few months, I was immediately on the road again.

My Mindful Media and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) storytelling workshops paid off: I was flown to a (DKA) cinema convention in Miami to hold space and elevate individual and collective storytelling. I had not felt this alive in a long time: I was home and I continued home. From couch to guest bedroom from Washington D.C., NYC, and Syracuse and all the way back to family in West Chicago, I have had to rediscover home in my own skin. Arriving home in Colton on my first Amtrak, I reflected on the masks that come up and come off through different environments and was glad to finally get to just be.

Colton, California: An industrial suburb of the Inland Empire that like many of its neighbors deals with the consequential air quality of America's insatiable appetite for online shopping. I found home amongst local activists, drag queens & qüings, and my grandmother's sisters each about a 10-minute drive from my tía Carmelita's humble abode and the land I am still learning to steward.

Before the end of the year, season 5 had taken shape with a humbling opportunity: a community action fellowship in the Cuyama Valley. A rural bilingual community in Central California where, Creator-willing, I will be sharing my mindful media work with intergenerational audiences and supporting local public schools with mindfulness and digital tools.

season four - end of 2022, beginning 2023

I am blessed to celebrate this Aquarius season with my Aquarian sister through South America– before a small pitstop in Mexico City and Chicago as I continue to New Cuyama.

There is more to share here but for now, I check in to ask for a small Birthday favor.

1) share with me via, text, WhatsApp, or social media about a moment that you and I have shared at home or an upcoming visit you'd like to arrange and tag it #OTWayHome.

2) If and only if you are able and willing. Consider supporting this season of the journey. Housing in Latin America is almost fully secured but your financial support will help my mind and my tastebuds explore museums, local cuisine, and fresh fricking coffee.

season five - january to april 2023

Me estoy preparando pa' salir a la carretera y atravesar el suroeste en camino a Chicago; en el mismo automóvil que me llevó a Los Ángeles, CA desde Syracuse, NY. Rezando para que lleguemos hasta la casa de mi abuela con el tanque medio lleno y muchos recuerdos.


En realidad, nunca hubiera llegado tan lejos sin ti, y aún queda un largo camino por recorrer. Ya sea de camino a la familia en Chicago o en cualquier otro lugar donde me encuentre en casa, me encantaría "plantar una semilla" contigo en el camino a casa .

O, si puedes,
ayuda con lo que puedas
gasolina / café / una cena
venmo @sway -ontheway

Whether you join or not

OTWay invites everyone to share what home means to you. In our forum or on social media, spread love to your digital communities! 


Tag @sway_otway with the hashtag #OTWayHome so we can see where your journey has brought you 😌

inicia una conversación cultural con algunas  herramientas y charlas de medios conscientes para centrar su historia en la perspectiva de su familia

¿Cómo pueden los artistas y los narradores unirse para imaginar y nutrir un  

futuro radicalmente más humanizador.

el futuro esta en

buenas manos  

pero no

tienes que



Como invitado humilde en sus tierras ancestrales: los productos y servicios de OTWay siempre le harán un lugar en la mesa: su historia se incluirá en esta re-escritura de la historia.

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